Thursday, October 20, 2016

Tips for Creating Favorite Fall Meals

When you think about your favorite meals to cook in the fall, what do you think about making? At Grand Champion Meats, we envision hearty, savory, and satisfying meals that make your mouth water as soon as you sit down at the dinner table.
On your next visit, take a gander at our pre-seasoned meats including sausage and pork, marinated pork chops and chicken breasts, versatile deli and specialty items, and Ready-to-Bake Meatloaf that will add quick shortcuts to those busy fall nights.

With a great variety of abundant fresh cuts of beef, pork, chicken, sausage and more at Grand Champion Meats, there are endless recipes to try this season. Our stew meat will be the best part of every stew you create this fall. Try these quintessential recipes that will leave your home smelling delicious and inviting using Grand Champion products:

Want more ideas on cooking balanced and satisfying meals in the fall? Experiment with the following tips:

  • IMG_2165.JPGUse citrusy flavors and zesty seasonings in your cooking if you want to hold on to a few more days of summer. Think limes and lemons for a few more fish taco dinners. McDonald’s Meats has an array of seasonings and sauces for you to try.
  • Meal prepping is more than a current food trend. Learn to use it to your advantage for a reliable source of healthy food and a well-balanced diet throughout your busy schedule. Meal planning can also cut down on your monthly food budget.
  • Cook in bulk. Grab a piece of tinfoil and use it to divide out three separate sections in your baking dish. Distribute your meat (shredded chicken, pork, etc.) evenly, and season each section with a different marinade or rub. Think Italian seasonings in the first section, a BBQ marinade in the second, and a Buffalo sauce in the third. This way you can cook efficiently while creating different flavors for different meals for the week.
  • Test new recipes! There’s always a place at the table for your classic, know-everybody-will-love-it meals, but who knows what else will become a staple in your household?

With a fantastic variety of products, experiment with new recipes at Grand Champion Meats and find your family’s new fall favorites!

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